Watch and Stream Hammer Of The Gods Movie with HD Format

Set in Viking Britain in 871 AD, Hammer of the Gods is a visceral, intense tale set in a world whose only language is violence. A young Viking warrior, Steinar (Charlie Bewley), is sent by his father the king on a quest to find his estranged brother, who was banished from the kingdom many years before. Steinar's epic journey across terrifyingly hostile territory gradually sees him emerge as the man his father wants him to be - the ruthless and unforgiving successor to his throne. (c) Magnolia R
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Movie Title : Hammer Of The Gods
Genre Movie :Action & Adventure
Mpaa Rating : R
Release Date : Jul 5, 2013 Limited

Actors :Charlie Bewley,Elliot Cowan,Clive Standen,Michael Jibson,Guy Flanagan,Ivan Kaye,Alexandra Dowling,Finlay Robertson,Theo Barklem-Biggs,Francis Magee,Michael Lindall,Solomon Thomson,Lauren Sibbick,Glynis Barber,James Cosmo


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Hammer Of The Gods

User Ranting Hammer Of The Gods : 2.5
User Percentage For Hammer Of The Gods : %
User Count Like for Hammer Of The Gods : 5,078
All Critics Ranting For Hammer Of The Gods : 4
All Critics Count For Hammer Of The Gods : 20
All Critics Percentage For Hammer Of The Gods : 30 %

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Review For Hammer Of The Gods

It's hardly high art, but for a cheapjack homegrown action flick this is surprisingly solid.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

[Blu-ray Review] This Blu-ray disc of "Hammer of the Gods" looks aesthetically beautiful, brought to life in all its moody, fog-drenched glory. My only wish is that the film itself was better.

The low-budget production values and a rather messy Game of Thrones meets Braveheart script might make this film feel extremely corny, but at least it tries to tell an interesting story without the usual Hollywood bombast.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

If it's gratuitous Saxon violence you're after then you've come to the right place.
Alan Jones-Radio Times

A nasty, brutal and relatively short entertainment, aimed at middle-of-the-woad Conanists.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Hammer of the Gods avoids any real risks and lacks in distinct innovation.
Stefan Pape-HeyUGuys

So Hammer of the Gods is that most unexpected and unlikely of films, a Viking Apocalypse Then - but while it is an enjoyable enough romp, trying to out-hammer the impact of Coppola's masterpiece is as foolhardy as challenging the gods themselves.
Anton Bitel-Grolsch Film Works

Dumb and dreary but ultimately hard to hate.
Paul Fairclough-Little White Lies

This is what happens when your Lord of the Rings cosplay gets overrun by Method stuntmen.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Farren Blackburn's likable debut transports us to Britain in 871 ...
Peter Beech-Guardian [UK]

Like Game of Thrones crossed with Braveheart but stripped of most of the budget, this scrappy film tells an intriguing story without the usual Hollywood bombast.

Barely one step above a middling Game of Thrones fan-film, albeit executed with little of the passion that this would imply.
Shaun Munro-What Culture

In spite of the Apocalypse Now-lite finale and the variety of cliche checks along the way, there's something remarkably earnest about the whole affair.
Rich Phippen-Sky Movies

Imagine TV's The Vikings with a twist and you won't be disappointed, but the biggest heroics on show here are in the budget-stretching department.
Matt Glasby-Total Film

A bloody-knuckled fightfest, back-dropped by the beautiful Welsh countryside, this defies its budget to bring a little epic to Viking Britain.
Owen Williams-Empire Magazine

There's an abundance of hand-to-hand medieval combat violence but not much else in this absurdly macho action saga.

Pointlessly graphic and absolutely ridiculous, Hammer of the Gods is a poorly attended LARP event crossed with basic cable fantasy filmmaking standards.

Hammer of the Gods steals freely from a number of modern action films, but the fact that it is so misguided and fares so poorly is another thing entirely.
Simon Brookfield-We Got This Covered

An unbearably stupid exercise in gore that deserves to die the same cruel, soulless death that nearly every character does at some point in the film.
Dean Essner-Slant Magazine

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